PF3D7_1300600 rifin PIR protein

Immunofluorescence analysis of PF13_0006 expression in fixed asexual Plasmodium falciparum parasites. Ring stage parasites (first two rows) and schizonts (last rows) of the 3D7 line were fixed, permeabilized, and analyzed by staining with rabbit anti-PF13_0006 IgG (green). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). DIC shadow-cast images with the fluorescence image superimposed in the first two coloumns and the fluorescence image (FI) alone in the last coloumn. Scale bar 5 mm. no RIFIN protein was detected in the ring stages (first and second row), whereas the proportion of anti-PF13_0006 IgG stained schizonts was higher than 90% (third and fourth row).

Mwakalinga SB, Wang CW, Bengtsson DC, Turner L, Dinko B, Lusingu JP, Arnot DE, Sutherland CJ, Theander TG, Lavstsen T. Expression of a type B RIFIN in Plasmodium falciparum merozoites and gametes. Malar J. 2012 Dec 21;11(1):429.
