PF3D7_0207600 serine repeat antigen 5

Left: Indirect immunofluorescence assay with McAb 24C6 1F1 on P. falciparum schizont infected human erythrocytes unfixed (a) or formalin fixed (b) before drying. The periphery of the parasites is well delineated m fixed parasites. Irregular peripheral patterns are obtained on unfixed material.

Right: Immunoperoxidase detection of P 126 by McAb 24C61F1 in P. falciparum schizont The electron dense deposit (arrow) is located on the parasitophorous vacuole surrounding the parasite (n: parasite nuclei). Bar represents 1 mm.

Delplace P, Fortier B, Tronchin G, Dubremetz JF, Vernes A. Localization, biosynthesis, processing and isolation of a major 126 kDa antigen of the parasitophorous vacuole of Plasmodium falciparum. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 1987 23:193-201. Copyright Elsevier
