PF3D7_1116000 rhoptry neck protein 4

Cellular localisation of invasins in P. falciparum schizonts. (A–E) IFA of schizonts from HA tagged P. falciparum parasite lines labeled with anti-PfRON4, to mark the rhoptry neck, DAPI, to mark nuclei and anti-HA. (A) PfRON2 (B) rhoptry protein PFF0645c (C) apical sushi protein PfASP and (E) inner membrane complex protein PF14_0578. PfRON2-HA schizonts were colabeled with anti-PfRON4, a marker of the rhoptry neck. PFF0645c and PfASP each displayed a similar apical localization in schizonts, showing overlap of labeling with PfRON4. PF14_0578-HA labeling was peripheral in late stage schizonts (E), suggestive of an inner-membrane complex (IMC) or plasma membrane localization.

Zuccala ES, Gout AM, Dekiwadia C, Marapana DS, Angrisano F, Turnbull L, Riglar DT, Rogers KL, Whitchurch CB, Ralph SA, Speed TP, Baum J. Subcompartmentalisation of Proteins in the Rhoptries Correlates with Ordered Events of Erythrocyte Invasion by the Blood Stage Malaria Parasite. PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e46160.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0405900 apical sushi protein
PF3D7_0613300 rhoptry protein ROP14
PF3D7_1452000 rhoptry neck protein 2
PF3D7_1460600 inner membrane complex sub-compartment protein 3