PF3D7_1406800 glideosome associated protein with multiple membrane spans 3

Fluorescent microscopy images showing the IMC (green) at different stages in the parasite lifecycle. Specific IMC-GFP fusion proteins are indicated above the images. Blue; DAPI stain.

Ferreira JL, Heincke D, Wichers JS, Liffner B, Wilson DW, Gilberger TW. The

Dynamic Roles of the Inner Membrane Complex in the Multiple Stages of the

Malaria Parasite. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2021 10:611801.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0423500 glideosome associated protein with multiple membrane spans 2
PF3D7_1460600 inner membrane complex sub-compartment protein 3