PF3D7_1420700 surface protein P113

Subcellular localization of CD55, ART4, AQP1, and Flotillin-1. a IFA of early trophozoites (ring stages) with anti-ART4, anti-AQP1, and anti-CD55 antibodies. b IFA of a ring-stage parasite with anti-ART4 and anti-N201, used as a parasitophorous vacuole marker. c IFA of trophozoite stage parasites with visible hemozoin, stained with anti-ART4 and anti-Flotillin-1 (Pearson’s correlation coefficient: 0.56). d IFA of invading parasites with anti-ART4 antibody and anti-AQP1 antibody. Anti-RON4 antibody was used as a marker of the moving junction. BF Bright field. Nuclei are stained with DAPI. Scale bar: 10 µm. Kudyba HM, Cobb DW, Fierro MA, Florentin A, Ljolje D, Singh B, Lucchi NW, Muralidharan V. The endoplasmic reticulum chaperone PfGRP170 is essential for asexual development and is linked to stress response in malaria parasites. Cell Microbiol. 2019 21(9):e13042.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0810400 aquaporin, putative
PF3D7_1116000 rhoptry neck protein 4