PF3D7_1452300 DER1-like protein

PfsDer1-1-HA is located at the periphery of the apicoplast. (A) Confocal images of chemically fixed PfsDer1-1-HA parasites labelled with anti-HA (green) and anti-ACP antibodies (red), showing that PfsDer1-1-HA is associated with ACP (merge), but is peripheral, similar to PfTic22-HA. Inset shows a 3.3x zoom of the localizations. (B) More examples of peripheral localization, similar to the inset above. Scale bar shows 0.5 mm.

Kalanon M, Tonkin CJ, McFadden GI. Characterisation of two putative protein translocation components in the apicoplast of Plasmodium falciparum. Eukaryot Cell. 2009 8(8):1146-54 PMID: 19502580
