PF3D7_0201900 erythrocyte membrane protein 3

Colocalization of E500-GFP chimeric protein with a Maurer’s clefts marker and native PfEMP3. Indirect mmunofluorescence assays were performed on trophozoite stages of E120-GFP-expressing transgenic 3D7 and E500-GFP-expressing transgenic 3D7 and D10 P. falciparum lines. A. Formaldehyde fixed trophozoite stages were labelled with rabbit αGFP (first column; green), mouse α PfSBP1, a Maurer’s clefts localized protein (second column; red) and DAPI for nuclear staining (third column; blue). The forth column represents the overlay of all three images and the fifth column the phase contrast image of the infected RBC. B. E500-GFP-expressing parasites were fixed and labelled with rabbit αGFP (first column; green), mouse αPfEMP3 (second column; red), an antibody raised against a part of the 3′ repeat region V and DAPI for nuclear staining (third column; blue). The forth column shows the overlays of the three images and the fifth column the phase contrast image of the infected erythrocyte. E120-GFP does not associate with Maurer’s clefts. E500-GFP and PfSBP1, however, colocalize in Maurer’s cleft structures in 3D7-E500. Knuepfer E, Rug M, Klonis N, Tilley L, Cowman AF. Trafficking determinants for PfEMP3 export and assembly under the Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cell membrane. Mol Microbiol. 2005 58:1039-53. Erratum in: Mol Microbiol. 2006 59:722

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