PF3D7_0402200 surface-associated interspersed protein 4.1 (SURFIN 4.1), pseudogene

Regions of SURFIN4.1 required for the export to the Maurer's clefts. (A) Schematic drawings of the recombinant proteins, rSURFIN4.1 NCVT (NCVT), rSURFIN4.1 NCV (NCV), rSURFIN4.1 NCT (NCT), and rSURFIN4.1 N-T (N-T) are depicted in the left panels. The right panels show co-localization of a series of recombinant SURFIN4.1 detected with anti-Ty antibody (α-Ty) and counter-staining with PfSBP1 (α-SBP1) by IFA. The differential interference contrast (DIC) and merged images with nucleus stained with DAPI (Merge) are shown. (+) or (−) indicates positive or negative detection of the signals in the iRBC cytosol, respectively. Bar=5 μm. dotted fluorescence signal pattern in the iRBC cytosol, which co-localized with a MC marker PfSBP1. TM region is essential for export from the parasite to the PV lumen

Zhu X, Yahata K, Alexandre JS, Tsuboi T, Kaneko O. The N-terminal segment of Plasmodium falciparum SURFIN4.1 is required for its trafficking to the red blood cell cytosol through the endoplasmic reticulum. Parasitol Int. 2012 62(2):215-229.

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PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0501300 skeleton-binding protein 1