PF3D7_0501200 parasite-infected erythrocyte surface protein

Indirect immunofluorescence of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes and infected red blood cell (IRBC) ghosts. Air-dried infected red blood cells and infected red blood cell ghosts were incubated with mouse antibodies raised against GST fusion proteins as indicated. The nuclei were stained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (blue). Negative controls were performed using preimmune sera and anti-GST antibodies (not shown). Vincensini L, Richert S, Blisnick T, Van Dorsselaer A, Leize-Wagner E, Rabilloud T, Braun Breton C. Proteomic analysis identifies novel proteins of the Maurer's clefts, a secretory compartment delivering Plasmodium falciparum proteins to the surface of its host cell. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2005 4(4):582-93. PMID: 15671043

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0501300 skeleton-binding protein 1
PF3D7_1001900 Plasmodium exported protein (hyp16), unknown function
PF3D7_1033200 early transcribed membrane protein 10.2