lmmuno-gold localization of Pfhsp and Pfgrp. (A) Sections of a mature segmenter incubated with rabbit antiserum against Pfhsp fusion protein and protein A-gold. The nuclei (N) of budding merozoites (m) are labeled diffusely with colloidal gold particles (arrows). (B) Sections of a mature gametocyte incubated with antiserum against Pfgrp peptide and protein A-gold. Label (arrows) is associated with membranes of the ER. (C) Sections of a schizont incubated as in (B). Label (arrows) is associated with discrete areas of the schizont cytoplasm that correspond to ER. Note absence of label on the nucleus (N) and parasitophorous vacuole (PV). Bar 0.5 mm. Kumar N, Koski G, Harada M, Aikawa M, Zheng H. Induction and localization of Plasmodium falciparum stress proteins related to the heat shock protein 70 family. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 1991 48(1):47-58. PMID: 1779989.