PF3D7_0936800 Plasmodium exported protein (PHISTc), unknown function

Colocalization of GEXP02 with potential interaction partners. (B) and (C) Confocal microscopy images of 3D7/GEXP02-HA stage III gametocytes expressing PF3D7_0424600 (PHISTb)-GFP. Antibodies against the epitope tags or native proteins are indicated (scale bar = 5 μm). (D) Three dimensional rendering of a stage III gametocyte of the same parasite line probed with anti-HA (red), anti-GFP (blue), and anti-PFI1780w (PHISTc, green). The signal of each channel is shown as a surface reconstruction (scale bar = 5 μm). PFI1780w showed a distribution highly similar to that of GEXP02-HA, also localizing close to the GIE (gametocyte infected Erythrocyte) membrane. A three-dimensional rendering was obtained from z-stacks of stage III gametocytes labeled with antibodies against GEXP02-HA, PF3D7_0424600-GFP, and PFI1780w. A surface reconstruction of signals of these three proteins showed that all three proteins localize to the same space (D). (E). IFAs of sheared stage III gametocytes of 3D7GDV1/GEXP02-HA parasites probed with antibodies as indicated (scale bar = 10 μm). To further confirm the co-localization of GEXP02-HA and PFI1780w at the GIE cytoskeleton, erythrocyte shearing experiments were performed with 3D7GDV1/GEXP02-HA and co-labeled with antibodies against HA and PFI1780w, showing a nearly complete overlap of those two signals (E) and suggesting that they act in concert on the GIE cytoskeleton.

Warncke JD, Passecker A, Kipfer E, Brand F, Pérez-Martínez L, Proellochs NI, Kooij TWA, Butter F, Voss TS, Beck HP. The PHIST Protein GEXP02 Targets the Host Cytoskeleton During Sexual Development of Plasmodium falciparum. Cell Microbiol. 2019 Oct 25:e13123

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1102500 gametocyte exported protein 2 Plasmodium exported protein (PHISTb), unknown function