Expression and localization of Kae1api and Kae1cyto. Representative images of trophozoites are shown. Kae1api (top row) co-localizes with an apicoplast marker (acyl carrier protein, ACP), while Kae1cyto (second row) displays a diffuse signal throughout the parasite. Mitochondria and nuclei were
visualized with Mitotracker and DAPI-DNA stain, respectively. Lower row: Immuno-EM of Kae1api demonstrates localization to the apicoplast, bound by multiple membranes. Bar scale = 0.5 μm. Kae1api) displayed an elongated, punctate signal overlapping precisely with that of the apicoplasttargeted
acyl carrier protein (ACP) in trophozoites and early schizonts . Both signals were detected in a compartment adjacent to, but distinct from the mitochondrion, consistent with apicoplast localization. Immuno-EM primarily detected Kae1api within structures bound by 3-4 membranes, further supporting that it is an apicoplast-targeted protein. In contrast, IFA detected a diffuse signal for Kae1cyto) throughout the parasite, suggesting a cytoplasmic location.
Mallari JP, Oksman A, Vaupel B, Goldberg DE. Kinase-Associated Endopeptidase 1 (Kae1) Participates in an Atypical ribosome-Aassociated complex in the apicoplast of Plasmodium falciparum. J Biol Chem. 2014 Sep 9 [Epub
ahead of print]
Other associated proteins
PFID | Formal Annotation |
PF3D7_0408900 | tRNA N6-adenosine threonylcarbamoyltransferase |