PF3D7_1224200 BRO1 domain-containing protein, putative

PfVps32, PfVps60 and PfBro1 proteins are present in EVs produced by pRBCs. STORM detection by immunostaining of GPA, PfVps32, PfVps60 or PfBro1 in purified EVs derived from a 3% parasitemia, 3% hematocrit pRBC culture at 40 hpi. On the right column are shown images of individual EVs. Parasite proteins were observed in EVs purified from a 3% parasitemia pRBC culture at 40 hpi and were absent in EVs from non-infected RBCs , which confirmed our hypothesis and reflected ESCRT-III participation in Plasmodium EV biogenesis. To validate our approach, antibodies against GPA were used to detect EVs from RBC membrane origin.

Avalos-Padilla Y, Georgiev VN, Lantero E, Pujals S, Verhoef R, N Borgheti-Cardoso L, Albertazzi L, Dimova R, Fernàndez-Busquets X. The ESCRT-III machinery participates in the production of extracellular vesicles and protein export during Plasmodium falciparum infection. PLoS Pathog. 2021 17(4):e1009455.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1243500 vacuolar protein-sorting-associated protein 32, putative
PF3D7_1441800 vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 60, putative