PF3D7_1301700 cx3cl1-binding protein 2, gametocyte exported protein 7, GEXP7

Complementation of PfEXP2-HAglmS with episomally expressed truncated. (E) IFA of infected erythrocytes with DAPI staining (blue) marking the parasite’s nucleus (left), and the degree of co-localization between endogenous EXP2 (HA) and episomally expressed cMyc-tagged EXP2 calculated by measuring Pearson’s coefficients of merged Z-stack images of 20 cells (right). Shown is the mean ± SD, with significance determined by an unpaired t-test (****p < 0.001). (F) Western blots of whole-parasite lysate, unbound fraction and elution fraction following immunoprecipitation of cMyc-tagged proteins reveal that truncated EXP2 cannot interact with HSP101. (G) IFA of infected erythrocytes using antibodies to the Maurer’s cleft protein GEXP07 and quantification of GEXP07 localization (n = 30 cells from a single experiment), defined as either fully exported, not exported, or showing an intermediate export phenotype. Scale bar, 5 mm. Pitman EL, Counihan NA, Modak JK, Chowdury M, Gilson PR, Webb CT, de Koning-Ward TF. Dissecting EXP2 sequence requirements for protein export in malaria parasites. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2024 13:1332146. PMID: 38282616


Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1471100 exported protein 2