PF3D7_1335300 reticulocyte binding protein 2 homologue b, ALKBH5

PfRh5 localises to the rhoptry body. (A) Immunofluorescence and phase contrast micrographs of late segmented schizonts with anti-HA antibodies to detect the

chimeric PfRh5 along with co-localisation using antibodies to PfRh5. The panels from left to right are rat anti-HA, rabbit anti-Rh5, overlay of both with DAPI nuclear stain, phase contrast image and overlay of all images. Scale bars = 1 lM. (B) Immunofluorescence and phase contrast images of late schizonts or free merozoites (insets) to co-localise PfRh5 with AMA1 (top panel), PfRh2a/b (middle panel) and RON4 (bottom panel). Each panel from left top right corresponds to anti-HA antibodies (to detect PhRh5), rabbit anti-AMA1 or anti-Rh2a/b or anti-RON4, overlay of each with DAPI nuclear stain, phase contrast and overlay of all images. Insets show individual merozoites. Scale bars = 1 mm. (C) Immuno-electron microscopy of late schizonts localising PfRh5 (using both anti-PfRh5 and anti-HA in the tagged line) to the merozoite rhoptries. Scale bars = 0.2 mm. Triglia T, Tham WH, Hodder A, Cowman AF. Reticulocyte binding protein homologues are key adhesins during erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum. Cell Microbiol. 2009

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0424100 reticulocyte binding protein homologue 5
PF3D7_1116000 rhoptry neck protein 4
PF3D7_1133400 apical membrane antigen 1
PF3D7_1335400 reticulocyte binding protein 2 homologue a