Following PfMCMBP knockdown parasite growth was prolonged three hours and parasite proliferation failed. Representative pictures from [+]/[−] Shld1
PfMCMBP3HADD parasites at schizont-stage (38-42 h.p.i) after PFA-fixation and probing with rat anti-HA (1:50) and goat anti-rat conjugated with Alexa 488 (1:1000). Images were taken with Nikon E800 using the 100X objective. The largest fraction of PfMCMBP fluorescent signal was present in the cytoplasm and a small fraction overlapped with the DAPI staining (upper panel). In contrast, when parasites were cultured in absence of Shld1, PfMCMBP depletion caused a total loss of PfMCMBP fluorescent signal and, more strikingly, an abnormal nuclear morphology. The chromatin appeared condensed, scattered, and bridged (lower panel).
Absalon S, Dvorin JD. Depletion of the Mini-Chromosome Maintenance Complex Binding Protein allows the progression of cytokinesis despite abnormal karyokinesis during the asexual development of Plasmodium falciparum. Cell Microbiol. 2020 Oct 30:e13284.