PF3D7_0302100 serine/threonine protein kinase

Expression and localization of PfSRPK1 in sexual parasite stages. (c) IFAs were performed on sexual stages (stage II to V gametocytes) and 10 min postactivation using smears and anti-PfSRPK1 antisera (green) in combination with anti-PfCDPK4 (red). The parasite DNA was visualized with DAPI (blue). (d) IFAs were performed on stage V gametocytes using anti-PfSRPK1 antisera (green) in combination with anti-Pfg377 antibodies (red; for female gametocytes). PfSRPK1 staining was negative for female gametocytes. The parasite DNA was visualized with DAPI (blue). Scale bar, 5 mm. Representative images are shown. Merge I, merged image for red and green panels; merge II, merged image for red, green, and DAPI (blue) channels. DIC, differential interference contrast; DAPI, 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole.

Dixit A, Singh PK, Sharma GP, Malhotra P, Sharma P. PfSRPK1, a novel splicing-related kinase from Plasmodium falciparum. J Biol Chem. 2010 3;285(49):38315-23.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0717500 calcium-dependent protein kinase 4, CDPK4
PF3D7_1250100 osmiophilic body protein g377