PF3D7_0401800 Plasmodium exported protein (PHISTb), unknown function

Domain architecture of PF3D7 0401800 (PFD80), not to scale. TM, transmembrane domain/recessed signal sequence; Ser/Thr/Ala refers to serine, threonine andalanine rich-region; PRESAN, domain boundaries defined according to Pfam ID: PF09687. (B–D) Domain architecture and localisation of HT:PFD80:GFP reporter constructs.REX31–61, N-terminal sequence of REX3, including its HT motif, which is sufficient to drive protein export. Residue numbers, below each diagram, refer to position withinPFD80. The left- and right-hand images show GFP localisation and a phase contrast image, respectively. The identity of each parasite line is indicated above the respective images. allowed us to definea novel region sufficient to confer peripheral localisation in thehost erythrocyte. This region of PFD80, comprising both thePRESAN domain and an additional N-terminal flanking sequence,is sufficient to target to the erythrocyte periphery; neither domain alone is functional.

Tarr SJ, Moon RW, Hardege I, Osborne AR. A conserved domain targets exported PHISTb family proteins to the periphery of Plasmodium infected erythrocytes. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2014 196(1):29-40 PMID:
