PF3D7_0406200 parasitophorous vacuole membrane protein s16; sexual stage-specific protein s16

Immunofluorescence analysis (IFA) of paraformaldehyde-fixed gametocyte infected erythroblast at 6 dpi stained with anti-Pf11-1 antibodies (green) and with anti-glycophorin A (GPA) labelling the erythroblast membrane. the gametocyte-specific protein Pf11-1 was detected both in the parasite and in the infected erythroblast.

Infection with the Hsp70-GFP line (upper panels) and with the Pfs16-GFP line (lower panels) were observed by fluorescent microscopy at 2 dpi (upper panels and lower left panel) and 6 dpi (lower right panel). Erythroblast membrane is stained with PKH-26 (red). Hsp70-GFP line expressing GFP throughout the entire parasite life cycle under the control of the constitutive promoter hsp70 to monitor total parasitemia, and the Pfs16-GFP line expressing GFP under the control of the gametocyte-specific promoter Pfs16 to monitor gametocytemia.

Neveu G, Richard C, Dupuy F, Behera PK, Volpe F, Subramani PA, Marcel-Zerrougui B, Vallin P, Andrieu M, Minz AM, Azar N, Martins RM, Lorthiois A, Gazeau F, Lopez-Rubio JJ, Mazier D, Silva AKA, Satpathi S, Wassmer S, Verdier F, Lavazec C. Plasmodium falciparum sexual parasites develop in human erythroblasts and affect erythropoiesis. Blood. 2020 blood.2019004746. PMID: 32589714.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0831700 PfHsp70-x
PF3D7_1038400 gametocyte-specific protein