PF3D7_0423500 glideosome associated protein with multiple membrane spans 2

PhIL1 co-exists with ALV5, PHIP, and GAPM2 in the P. falciparum IMC: (A) ALV5-GFP expression pattern in asexual blood stages (merozoite, and schizont) of P. falciparum . Transgenic parasites expressing ALV5-GFP showed peripheral localisation in the schizont and merozoite stages. (B) PhIP-GFP expression pattern in asexual blood stages showed typical IMC localisation. Parasites expressing PhIP-GFP or GAPM2-GFP showed a similar pattern of peripheral localization in the IMC. (C) GAPM2-GFP expression pattern in asexual blood stages. (D) Co-staining of PhIL1 with ALV5, PhIP and GAPM2 in P. falciparum blood-stage schizont. These proteins co-localised with PhIL1 in the IMC at schizont stage of the parasite with a Pearson’s colocalization coefficient of more than 0.7. Scale bar = 5 μM.

Saini E, Sheokand PK, Sharma V, Agrawal P, Kaur I, Singh S, Mohmmed A, Malhotra P. Plasmodium falciparum PhIL1-associated complex plays an essential role in merozoite reorientation and invasion of host erythrocytes. PLoS Pathog.

2021 17(7):e1009750.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1003600 inner membrane complex protein 1c, putative
PF3D7_1310700 PhIL1-interacting protein PhIP
PF3D7_1355600 phil1 interacting protein PhIP