PF3D7_1443000 serine/threonine protein kinase

Utrastructural localization of PfCLKs in the parasite blood stages. Post-embedding immunoelectron microscopy labeling was performed using mouse antisera againstPfCLK-1/Lammer and PfCLK-2, respectively, in combination with secondary gold-conjugated antibody. A: PfCLK-1/Lammer is predominantly present in the nucleus of a blood stage schizont. B: A distinct labeling of PfCLK-1/Lammer in the passage between nucleus and cytoplasm (arrow) was detected in another schizont. C: PfCLK-2 is expressed in the nucleus as well as the cytoplasm of a late trophozoite. D: PfCLK-2 labeling was particularly detected in the passage between nucleus and cytoplasm (arrows) of a schizont.E, erythrocyte; FV, food vacuole; MC, Maurer’s cleft; N, nucleus; PC, parasite cytoplasm; R, rhoptry. Bar: 0. 5mm.

Agarwal S, Kern S, Halbert J, Przyborski JM, Baumeister S, Dandekar T, Doerig C, Pradel G. Two nucleus-localized CDK-like kinases with crucial roles for malaria parasite erythrocytic replication are involved in phosphorylation of splicing factor. J Cell Biochem. 2011 112:1295-310.

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PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1445400 protein serine/threonine kinase-1