PF3D7_0809700 RuvB-like helicase 1

Localization of RuvB1 in P. falciparum during erythrocytic cycle by immunofluorescence staining coupled immunofluorescence microscopy. Different stages of the P. falciparum 3D7 strain parasite i.e. ring, trophozoites, schizonts and merozoites were labeled with purified anti-PfRuvB1 antibodies. The cells were fixed and immunostained. Panels (i) bright field image, (ii) image of cell stained with DAPI, (iii) immunofluorescently stained cell (green, P. falciparum RuvB1 protein) and (iv) super-imposed images. RuvB1 is expressed during all the stages. RuvB1 localized to the nuclear region and co-localizes with the DAPI in ring and trophozoite as well as schizont stage.

Ahmad M, Tuteja R. Plasmodium falciparum RuvB1 is an active DNA helicase and translocates in the 5'-3' direction. Gene. 2013 Feb 15;515(1):99-109
