PF3D7_0935900 ring-exported protein 1

Transmission electron microscopy analysis of REX1-GFP and REX1(Δ371–579)-GFP Maurer’s clefts. A,B. TEM images of glutaraldehyde-fixed REX1-GFP and REX1(Δ371–579)-GFPinfected RBCs (100 nm sections) revealing unstacked and highly stacked Maurer’s clefts (MC). lamellae. C,D. TEM images of EqtII-permeabilized samples showing single Maurer’s cleft lamellae and stacked lamellae (100 nm sections). Knobs (K) are indicated. The REX1-GFP parasites displayed an unstacked Maurer's cleft phenotype (A,C) equivalent to that previously reported for the 3D7 strain Dramatically, the REX1Δ371-579-GFP parasites showed very large stacks of Maurer's clefts (B).

McHugh E, Batinovic S, Hanssen E, McMillan PJ, Kenny S, Griffin MD, Crawford S, Trenholme KR, Gardiner DL, Dixon MW, Tilley L. A repeat sequence domain of the ring-exported protein-1 of Plasmodium falciparum controls export machinery architecture and virulence protein trafficking. Mol Microbiol. 2015 Aug 24. [Epub ahead of print]
