PF3D7_0831700 PfHsp70-x

Knockdown of PfHsp70x does not inhibit export of PfEMP1 to the host cell. (A to C) PfHsp70x-M9 and PfHsp70x-glmS parasites were fixed with acetone and stained with antibodies against HA, PfEMP1, or MAHRP1. DAPI was used to mark parasite cell nucleus. (Right) From left to right, the images are phase-contrast micrographs of parasites, parasites stained with DAPI, parasites stained with anti-HA antibody or antibody against exported protein, and fluorescence merge image. Representative images are shown. Bars, 5 mm. PfEMP1 is exported equally well in both PfHsp70x-M9 and PfHsp70x-glmS parasites under knockdown conditions. in these mutants and found no difference in regard to PfEMP1, despite achieving significant reduction of PfHsp70x in the glmS parasite line (A and B). Because MAHRP1 has been implicated in the trafficking of PfEMP1, we also quantified the export of MAHRP1 in the PfHsp70x conditional mutants, and we found that knockdown of PfHsp70x does not affect MAHRP1 export (C).

Cobb DW, Florentin A, Fierro MA, Krakowiak M, Moore JM, Muralidharan V. The Exported Chaperone PfHsp70x Is Dispensable for the Plasmodium falciparum Intraerythrocytic Life Cycle. mSphere. 2017 2(5). pii: e00363-17.

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PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1370300 membrane associated histidine-rich protein