PF3D7_0216400 vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 45, putative

Inactivation of PfVPS45 Leads to Accumulation of Vesicular Structures in the Parasite (A and B) Fluorescence microscopy and differential interference contrast (DIC) images 6 hr after induction of knock-sideways (rapalog) in live PfVPS45-2xFKBP-GFP parasites shows (A) accumulation of vesicular structures (arrowhead) absent in control and (B) complemented knock-sideways parasites. Size bars, 5 mm; merge, merged green and red channels. Differential interference contrast (DIC) images revealed that the parasites after inactivation of VPS45 for morphological alterations, the presence of what appeared to bemultiple vesicles in the parasite cytoplasm that increased in number over time after addition of rapalog, while control or complemented parasites only occasionally showed more than two vesicles per parasite and never large clusters as were apparent after VPS45 inactivation.

Jonscher E, Flemming S, Schmitt M, Sabitzki R, Reichard N, Birnbaum J, Bergmann B, Höhn K, Spielmann T. PfVPS45 Is Required for Host Cell Cytosol Uptake by Malaria Blood Stage Parasites. Cell Host Microbe. 2018 pii:S1931-3128(18)30592-4
