PF3D7_0905400 high molecular weight rhoptry protein 3

Immunoelectron microscopy on mature schizont-stage parasites was carried out on samples of parasite culture fixed with 0.05% (v/v) glutaraldehyde and embedded in LR White resin, medium grade. The sections were etched and immunolabeled. The immunolabeled sections were contrasted using lead citrate and uranyl acetate.

Cooper JA, Ingram LT, Bushell GR, Fardoulys CA, Stenzel D, Schofield L, Saul AJ. The 140/130/105 kilodalton protein complex in the rhoptries of Plasmodium falciparum consists of discrete polypeptides. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 1988 29:251-60. Copyright Elsevier 2010.
