You can find more information about CCP using the following links:

PFID PFID Old Formal Annotation PlasmoDB TDR Targets Subcellular Localization Affecting Drugs
Drug Name PubMed Articles (year of publication)
PF3D7_0109100 PFA0445w LCCL domain-containing protein PlasmoDB TDR
PF3D7_0903800 PFI0185w LCCL domain-containing protein PlasmoDB TDR
PF3D7_1407000 PF14_0067 LCCL domain-containing protein PlasmoDB TDR
PF3D7_1451600 PF14_0491 LCCL domain-containing protein PlasmoDB TDR
PF3D7_1455800 PF14_0532 LCCL domain-containing protein PlasmoDB TDR
PF3D7_1475500 PF14_0723 LCCL domain-containing protein PlasmoDB TDR