You can find more information about
PF3D7_1335100-merozoite surface protein 7, MSP-7
using the following links:
PlasmoDB - the Plasmodium genome resource
The TDR Targets Database
Subcellular Localization
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Picture 7
Affecting Drugs
Drug Name
PubMed Articles (year of publication)
Brefeldin a
Extensive proteolytic processing of the malaria parasite merozoite surface protein 7 during biosynthesis and parasite release from erythrocytes(2007)
Msp7-derived peptides
Identifying merozoite surface protein 4 and merozoite surface protein 7 Plasmodium falciparum protein family members specifically binding to human erythrocytes suggests a new malarial parasite-redundant survival mechanism(2007)
Partial characterization of Plasmodium falciparum trophozoite proteome under treatment with quinine, mefloquine and the natural antiplasmodial diosgenone(2014)