PF3D7_0100800 PIR protein rifin

ATP is Required for Stress Granule Assembly and Dynamicity in vivo. Different times at which 2DG and CCCP were added to these cells are indicated. Scale bars are 5μm. (B) Granules shown prior to, at 0s after and at 145s after photobleaching. Cells were either treated for 60min with NaAsO2 or with NaAsO2 with 2DG and CCCP added 30min after the addition of NaAsO2. Graph shows recovery curves as an average of 15 granules ± standard deviation. Scale bars are 2μm. Bar graph shows average total percentage recovery from 15 granules ± standard deviation. *** p-value <0.0001. Jain S, Wheeler JR, Walters RW, Agrawal A, Barsic A, Parker R. ATPase-Modulated Stress Granules Contain a Diverse Proteome and Substructure. Cell. 2016 164(3):487-98. PMID: 26777405
