PF3D7_0105200 RAP01

Detection of triple HA epitope-tagged PfDHHC7 protein

using an anti-HA antibody. PfDHHC7 localizes to the rhoptry, as demonstrated by colocalizing with the PfRAP1 rhoptry marker. Scale bars: 5 μm.

Frénal K, Tay CL, Mueller C, Bushell ES, Jia Y, Graindorge A, Billker O, Rayner JC, Soldati-Favre D. Global analysis of apicomplexan protein S-acyl transferases reveals an enzyme essential for invasion. Traffic. 2013 14(8):895-911.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0930300 merozoite surface protein 1
PF3D7_1353600 ER lumen protein retaining receptor