PF3D7_0105200 RAP01

Representative IFAs showing RON11apt attached-merozoites secreting RAP1 into RBCs in the presence or absence of aTc, after incubation with cytochalasin D. Parasites were fixed with PFA and stained with specific antibodies. Images from left to right are phase-contrast, DAPI (nucleus, blue), anti-HA (green), anti-RAP1 (red), and fluorescence merge. Z stack images were deconvolved and projected as a combined single image. Representative images of 3 biological replicates.

Anaguano D, Adewale-Fasoro O, Vick GS, Yanik S, Blauwkamp J, Fierro MA, Absalon S, Srinivasan P, Muralidharan V. Plasmodium RON11 triggers biogenesis of the merozoite rhoptry pair and is essential for erythrocyte invasion. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 31:2024.01.29.577654. PMID: 38352500;

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1463900 rhoptry neck protein 11, putative