PF3D7_0207600 serine repeat antigen 5

Truncation of MSP1 Produces an

Egress Defect (A) Predicted RAP-induced MSP1 truncation in the 3D7MSP1flox42C clones, showing loss of the GPI anchor and C-terminal domain containing the mAb X509 epitope. (C) RAP treatment produces a loss of mAb X509 reactivity and a shift in the IFA pattern of MSP1 to one typical of PV proteins, consistent with the predicted truncation. Numbers of DAPI-stained nuclei did not differ between control and RAPtreated. (D) IFA showing co-localization of truncated MSP1 with SERA5 indicating a PV location. The punctate localization of SUB1 and the microneme protein AMA1 indicates normal organelle biogenesis. (E) IFA showing lack of surface-bound MSP1 on merozoites of RAP-treated 3D7MSP1flox42C1 clone E3. Antibodies to AMA1 (which is expressed on free merozoites) were used as a control.

Das S, Hertrich N, Perrin AJ, Withers-Martinez C, Collins CR, Jones ML, Watermeyer JM, Fobes ET, Martin SR, Saibil HR, Wright GJ, Treeck M, Epp C, Blackman MJ. Processing of Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Surface Protein MSP1 Activates a Spectrin-Binding Function Enabling Parasite Egress from RBCs. Cell Host Microbe. 2015 18(4):433-44.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0930300 merozoite surface protein 1
PF3D7_1133400 apical membrane antigen 1