PF3D7_0208500 acyl carrier protein

Morphologies of the apicoplast labeled with ACPL-mRuby in the PfDyn2 sufficient parasites. In the PfDyn2-3HAapt line, the apicoplast was genetically labeled with ACPL-mRuby. The first 55 aa of ACP (acyl carrier protein) was infused with mRuby at its 5’ end. Mitochondria were labeled with MitoTracker Green FM (M46750, ThermoFisher). R, ring. ET, early trophozoite, LT, late trophozoite. ES, early schizont. LS, late schizont. M, merozoite. Images were taken from a Nickon Ti microscope in live conditions and processed by Nikon NIS elements software. Morano AA, Xu W, Shadija N, Dvorin JD, Ke H. The dynamin-related protein Dyn2 is essential for both apicoplast and mitochondrial fission in Plasmodium falciparum. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 doi: 10.1101/2024.03.15.585229
