PF3D7_0807100 parasite specific helicase 3

Localization of PSH3 in different intra-erythrocytic stages of P. falciparum. The cells were fixed and stained with pre-immune sera or anti-PfPSH3C antisera and anti-PfDOZI antisera followed by Alexa fluor 488 and Alexa fluor 594-conjugated secondary antibodies and then counterstained with DAPI. In each panel, single confocal image of each stage is shown.. (B–H) Staining with anti-PSH3 and anti-DOZI sera (B) merozoite stage, C) Ring stage, (D) Trophozoite stage, (E) Late Trophozoite stage (F,G) Early Schizont stage, (H) Schizont stage (i) phase contrast (DIC) image; (ii) image of cell stained with DAPI (blue); (iii) immunofluorescent stained cell (PSH3); (iv) immunofluorescent stained cell (DOZI); (v) Merged image of panel ii and iii; (vi) Merged image of panel ii and iv (vii) Merged image of panel iii and iv. PSH3 initiates from trophozoite stage of intraerythrocytic development and it is localized mostly in cytoplasm and to some extent in nucleus also at trophozoite, early schizont and late schizont developmental stages. PSH3 colocalizes with cytoplasmic helicase DOZI in the trophozoite and early schizont stages

Chauhan M, Tarique M, Tuteja R. Plasmodium falciparum specific helicase is nucleocytoplasmic protein and unwinds DNA duplex in 3' to 5' direction. Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 13;7(1):13146. PMID: 29030567

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