PF3D7_0917900 PfHsp70-2

PfDYN2 localizes to vesicle-like structures in parasites. IFA of schizont-infected erythrocyte using anti-PfDYN2 (green, a–c). Merged images of PfDYN2 (green) and the ER PfBIP (red, d–f), the apicoplast PfACP (red, g–i) and the Golgi apparatus PfERD2 (red, j–l). In blue, DAPI-stained DNA and in right panels, phase contrast images. Co-localizations are indicated by arrowheads and appear under orange-yellow color. Bar = 5 μm. Charneau S, Bastos IM, Mouray E, Ribeiro BM, Santana JM, Grellier P, Florent I. Characterization of PfDYN2, a dynamin-like protein of Plasmodium falciparum expressed in schizonts. Microbes Infect. 2007 9(7):797-805. PMID: 17533148.


Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0208500 acyl carrier protein
PF3D7_1037500 dynamin-like protein