PF3D7_1017300 golgi re-assembly stacking protein 2

Close apposition of PfSec24a-marked tER sites and Golgi. Parasites expressing PfSec24a-mRFP and PfGRASP-GFP demonstrate a close relationship between the number and location of tER sites and Golgi, as illustrated in three representative parasites. Occasionally, two tER foci can be observed adjacent to a single Golgi spot (arrow in bottom row). Bar = 5 μm. Lee MC, Moura PA, Miller EA, Fidock DA. Plasmodium falciparum Sec24 marks transitional ER that exports a model cargo via a diacidic motif. Mol Microbiol. 2008

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1361100 protein transport protein Sec24A