PF3D7_1123500 Golgi protein 2

Properties of proteins conserved , DnaJ and 11. (A) Saponin lysis during microscopy of a cell expressing PF11_0246. The identical infected RBC is shown before (top row) and after (bottom row) lysis with saponin. (B) Released merozoites of parasites expressing PF11_0246 show peripheral fluorescence (arrowhead) in addition to a prominent focus within the parasite. Saponin treatment did not release the PV fluorescence (A). In some merozoites a peripheral staining was detected after their release from the host cell, indicating that this protein may be integral to the PPM (B).(C,D) Saponin lysis during microscopy of a cell expressing DnaJ (C) or candidate 11; Saponin lysis of living parasites showed that the staining around the parasite was unaffected by lysis of the PVM. (D). The identical infected RBC is shown before (top rows) and after (bottom rows) lysis with saponin. Fluorescence around the parasite vanished after permeabilisation of the PVM. DIC, differential interference contrast; size bars: 5 mm.

Khosh-Naucke M, Becker J, Mesén-Ramírez P, Kiani P, Birnbaum J, Fröhlke U, Jonscher E, Schlüter H, Spielmann T. Identification of novel parasitophorous vacuole proteins in P. falciparum parasites using BioID. Int J Med Microbiol. 2017 Jul 27. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28784333

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0629200 DnaJ protein, putative