PF3D7_1129100 parasitophorous vacuolar protein 1

Live cell imaging. (A) Left: live cell imaging of the PV1-GFPINT transgenic line. (B) Upper panel, colocalisation of PV1-GFP chimera with PfExp1. Lower panel, colocalisation of PV1-GFP chimera with PfSERA-5. In merge and overlay: GFP, green; specific antibody, red; Hoechst, blue. Immunofluorescence co-localisation using antibodies against the PV and PVM markers SERA-5 and Exp-1 respectively verified that this fluorescent signal represented the PV.

Chu T, Lingelbach K, Przyborski JM. Genetic evidence strongly support an essential role for PfPV1 in intra-erythrocytic growth of P. falciparum. PLoS One. 2011 6(3):e18396.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0207600 serine repeat antigen 5
PF3D7_1121600 parasitophorous vacuole membrane antigen QF 116 exported protein 1 circumsporozoite-related antigen