PF3D7_1252400 reticulocyte binding protein homologue 3, pseudogene

Rhoptry-associated proteins in merozoite rhoptries by immunoelectron microscopy using rhoptry-specific mouse and rabbit antisera. P. falciparum rhoptries within merozoites in segmented schizonts reacted with antiserum #686; a 39-kDa C-terminal recombinant (RH3 3-5). Gold particles (15 nm) label the electron dense compartment of the rhoptries. Bar, 0.25 mm.

Sam-Yellowe TY, Del Rio RA, Fujioka H, Aikawa M, Yang JC, Yakubu Z. Isolation of merozoite rhoptries, identification of novel rhoptry-associated proteins from Plasmodium yoelii, P. chabaudi, P. berghei, and conserved interspecies reactivity of organelles and proteins with P. falciparum rhoptry-specific antibodies. Exp Parasitol. 1998 89:271-84.
