PF3D7_1353600 ER lumen protein retaining receptor

Brefeldin A treatment disrupts Golgi localization of Pfμ1.

Transgenic parasites expressing Pfμ1–GFP were treated with Brefeldin-A (at 5 μg/ml), or DMSO alone (control). Live cell imaging of BFA-treated (A) or DMSO-treated (B) transgenic parasites at trophozoite stage after the treatment. (C) Transgenic parasites expressing Pfμ1–GFP were treated with Brefeldin A (BFA) and immunostained with antibodies specific to cis-Golgi apparatus marker ERD2 (i), endoplasmic reticulum marker, Bip (ii), cytoplasm localized, Sel2 (iii) and RAP1 (iv). The Pfμ1–GFP fusion protein colocalized with Sel2 as well as ERD2 in the parasite cytoplasm upon BFA treatment [C (i & iii)]. Parasite nuclei were stained with DAPI; scale bars denote 5 μm. Kaderi Kibria KM, Rawat K, Klinger CM, Datta G, Panchal M, Singh S, Iyer GR, Kaur I, Sharma V, Dacks JB, Mohmmed A, Malhotra P. A role for adaptor protein complex 1 in protein targeting to rhoptry organelles in Plasmodium falciparum. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 1853(3):699-710. PMID: 25573429.


Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0917900 PfHsp70-2
PF3D7_0931200 selenoprotein
PF3D7_1311400 AP-1 complex subunit mu-1