Schematic of parasite-infected human erythrocyte. PPM: parasite plasma membrane. b-e, CryoEM maps (b-c) and atomic models (d-e) of the PTEX core complex. Horizontal lines represent the PVM bilayer, estimated based on the detergent belt density, visible at lower thresholds (see Extended Data Fig. 7). f-k, Top and side views of the HSP101 (f-g), PTEX150 (h-i), and EXP2 (j-k) cryoEM maps, coloured by protomer. l-n, Pore radius (l) and protein-conducting channel (m-n) calculated using HOLE60. Spielmann T, Montagna GN, Hecht L, Matuschewski K. Molecular make-up of the Plasmodium parasitophorous vacuolar membrane. Int J Med Microbiol. 2012 302(4-5):179-86. PMID: 22898489.
Other associated proteins
PFID | Formal Annotation |
PF3D7_1116800 | heat shock protein 101 chaperone protein ClpB2 |
PF3D7_1471100 | exported protein 2 |