PF3D7_1463900 rhoptry neck protein 11, putative

RON11 knockdown generates merozoites with single rhoptries. (A) Representative images of RON11apt schizonts showing the structure of rhoptries within fully developed merozoites in the presence and absence of 0.5 μM aTc. ML10-arrested schizonts were expanded by U-ExM, fixed with PFA, and stained with NHS-Ester (greyscale), anti-HA (magenta), and the DNA dye SYTOX (cyan). Selected Z stack images were projected as a combined single image. Number on image = Z-axis thickness of projection in µm.

Liffner B, Cepeda Diaz AK, Blauwkamp J, Anaguano D, Frölich S, Muralidharan V, Wilson DW, Dvorin J, Absalon S. Atlas of Plasmodium falciparum intraerythrocytic development using expansion microscopy. 2023 PMID: 36993606;

