PF3D7_1463900 rhoptry neck protein 11, putative

RON11 knockdown does not affect the localization and processing of neck and bulb rhoptry proteins. (A) Representative U-ExM images of RON11apt free merozoites and E64-arrested schizonts showing the localization of RON11, RON4, and RAP1 in the presence or absence of aTc. Parasites were stained with NHS-Ester (grayscale), anti-HA (magenta), and RON4 or RAP1 (yellow). Selected Z stack images were projected as a combined single image. Number on image = Z-axis thickness of projection in μm. . Anaguano D, Adewale-Fasoro O, Vick GW, Yanik S, Blauwkamp J, Fierro MA, et al. (2024) Plasmodium RON11 triggers biogenesis of the merozoite rhoptry pair and is essential for erythrocyte invasion. PLoS Biol 22(9): e3002801.
