PF3D7_0113700 heat shock protein 40, type II

PfHsp70-x interacts with exported Hsp40s and PfEMP1. A. proximity ligation assay (PLA) of (upper panel) PfHsp70-x/PfEMP1, (second panel) PfHsp70-x/A660-GFP (PFA0660w), (third panel) PfHsp70-x/E55-GFP (PFE0055c). A red signal indicates a positive interaction. Lower panel shows negative control. PfHsp70-x appears to closely interact with the ATS of PfEMP1, and both exported Hsp40s studied.

Külzer S, Charnaud S, Dagan T, Riedel J, Mandal P, Pesce ER, Blatch GL, Crabb BS, Gilson PR, Przyborski JM. Plasmodium falciparum-encoded exported hsp70/hsp40 chaperone/co-chaperone complexes within the host erythrocyte. Cell Microbiol. 2012 14(11):1784-95

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0501100 co-chaperone j domain protein jdp
PF3D7_0831700 PfHsp70-x