PF3D7_0903200 ras-related protein RAB7

Amino acid deprivation induces fusion between PfRAB7-positive and PfATG8-positive compartments. Association of PfRAB7 and PfATG8 (PF10_0193) under normal or amino acid-deprivation conditions using IFA. The distribution of PfRAB7 (red: excitation: 530 to 560 nm and emission 572 to 647 nm; anti-PfRAB7 peptide antibody) and PfATG8 (green: excitation: 450 to 490 nm and emission 500 to 550 nm; anti-PfATG8 peptide antibody) is shown. Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue: excitation: 340 to 380 nm and emission 450 to 490 nm). The association of PfRAB7 and PfATG8 is shown in white (merge). The images were obtained using a Leica DMI 6000 microscope with MicroMAX-1300Y/HS camera (Princeton Instruments). The Pearson’s coefficient (r) represents the degree of colocalization between PfRAB7 and PfATG8 in the individual images. FV: food vacuole. In nonstarved parasites, PfATG8, but not PfRAB7, was found on the intact apicoplast membrane and on apicoplast-targeted vesicles. Amino acid starvation provoked increased colocalization between PfATG8- and PfRAB7-labeled vesicles and acidification of the colabeled structures consistent with PfRAB7-mediated maturation of PfATG8-positive autophagosomes.

Tomlins AM, Ben-Rached F, Williams RA, Proto WR, Coppens I, Ruch U, Gilberger TW, Coombs GH, Mottram JC, Müller S, Langsley G. Plasmodium falciparum ATG8 implicated in both autophagy and apicoplast formation. Autophagy. 2013 Aug

29;9(10). [Epub ahead of print]

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_1019900 autophagy-related protein 8