PF3D7_1121600 parasitophorous vacuole membrane antigen QF 116 exported protein 1 circumsporozoite-related antigen

Confocal laser scanning microscopy observations of normal human RBCs (panel a) and erythrocytes infected by P. falciparum at different developmental stages: trophozoite (panel a), schizont (panel b), and gametocyte (panel c), stained with the a-EXP1 serum (green), which decorates the PVM, and the a-dematin md52k serum (red). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Displayed micrographs correspond to a single stack encompassing the center of the nucleus. T, transmission light acquisition. Scale bars, 1 mm. Dematin is an actin-binding protein of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton

Lalle M, CurrĂ  C, Ciccarone F, Pace T, Cecchetti S, Fantozzi L, Ay B, Breton CB, Ponzi M. Dematin, a component of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton, is internalized by the malaria parasite and associates with Plasmodium 14-3-3. J Biol Chem. 2011 286(2):1227-36.
