PF3D7_0208500 acyl carrier protein

Plasmodium falciparum expressing ACPtransit-GFP (A-D) and ACPsignal-GFP (E-H). ACPtransit-GFP expression results in cytoplasmic GFP in merozoites (A) through to schizonts (D). GFP is apparently excluded from the food vacuole (B, C) and other organelles. ACPsignal-GFP expression results in in GFP export to the parasitophorous vacuolar space. Newly invaded ring parasites (E) show punctuate fluorescence in the parasitophorous vacuole which may indicate some early formative stage of this specialized structure. Subsequent stages show continuous fluorescence surrounding the parasite (F, G) which ultimately delineates the products of schiziogony (H). GFP is also seen in the tubulovesicular network [(F), inset]. Some internalized GFP probably represents protein that re-enters the parasite in food vacuoles. Scale bar 5 mm.

Waller RF, Reed MB, Cowman AF, McFadden GI. Protein trafficking to the plastid of Plasmodium falciparum is via the secretory pathway. EMBO J. 2000 19:1794-802.
