PF3D7_0208500 acyl carrier protein

Localization of Pfstomatin to the apical organelles of merozoites and association of parasite rhoptry protein RhopH2 . Indirect immunofluorescence assays of: (i–iii) free merozoites probed with antibodies to Pfstomatin (i; green), and Mito Tracker (ii; red); the relative lack of co-localization of these markers is shown in the merged panel iii. iv–vi intracellular schizont-stage parasites expressing GFP in the apicoplast were probed with antibodies to Pfstomatin (iv; red), GFP (v; green); the relative lack of co-localization of these markers is shown in the merged panel vi. vii–ix free merozoites probed with antibodies to: Pfstomatin (vii; green), RhopH2 (viii; red); the extent of co-localization is shown in the merged panel ix. All images shown are single optical sections. The nucleus (blue) was stained with Hoechst 33342. Scale bars correspond to 2 mm.

Hiller NL, Akompong T, Morrow JS, Holder AA, Haldar K. Identification of a stomatin orthologue in vacuoles induced in human erythrocytes by malaria parasites. A role for microbial raft proteins in apicomplexan vacuole biogenesis. J Biol Chem. 2003 278:48413-21.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0318100 stomatin-like protein
PF3D7_0929400 high molecular weight rhoptry protein 2