PF3D7_0501300 skeleton-binding protein 1

Immunolabeling of infected HbCC erythrocyte, using an antiserum against the Maurer’s clefts marker PfSBP1. PfSBP1 identified the amorphous membrane conglomerates as aberrant Maurer’s clefts seen in P. falciparum–infected erythrocytes (at the trophozoite stage) containing homozygous HbCC.

Cyrklaff M, Sanchez CP, Kilian N, Bisseye C, Simpore J, Frischknecht F, Lanzer M. Hemoglobins S and C Interfere with Actin Remodeling in Plasmodium falciparum-Infected Erythrocytes. Science. 2011 334(6060):1283-6
