PF3D7_0208500 acyl carrier protein

PfTic22-HA is localized to the periphery of the apicoplast. (A) Confocal image of chemically fixed PfTic22-HA-carrying parasites labelled with anti-HA (green) and anti-ACP antibodies (red), showing that PfTic22-HA is associated with ACP (merge), but is localized to the periphery. Scale bars denote 1 mm, and inset shows a 3.3x zoom. (B) More examples of peripheral localization, similar to the inset above. Scale bar shows 0.5 mm. (C) Colocalisation of the GFP fluorescence from the PfTic22leader/GFP chimera and with anti-ACP, which does not exhibit a peripheral distribution. Scale bar is 1 μm.

Kalanon M, Tonkin CJ, McFadden GI. Characterisation of two putative protein translocation components in the apicoplast of Plasmodium falciparum. Eukaryot Cell. 2009 8(8):1146-54.

Other associated proteins

PFID Formal Annotation
PF3D7_0529300 apicoplast TIC22 protein